Anchorage Daily News
1981-86, 1996
Letter to a friend
They called him a Nazi -- all night long
Urban Iditarod
Imaginary runner on third
Sports fans on an oil rig
An accident on a lonely stretch of highway
Village street game modified ball at its best
It looks easier standing on the beach
Dempsey’s 3rd loss to Tunney
LA Herald Examiner
It's no myth: Football is a killer
Jailhouse Jock
Drug-free bodybuilders show their stuff
Albany Times Union
'Admirals' will float
The Reading Corner
Vincent: Baseball's fall guy
Troy Record
Abuse of non-profit mailing permits
Motels in dark on new police policy
About this collection My career began before the internet was a thing, when "cut and paste" involved scissors and rubber cement. Many of my early stories do not survive in archived digital platforms. Other stories were written for publications that did not survive. Other stories have become difficult to find because their publications have reorganized their web presences. There are no stories here from my work as editor of the Kodiak Daily Mirror or as a news reporter from the Toledo Blade. I am currently working to recover much of my work from the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, where I did much of my best sports reporting, but overall the samples on this webpage give a fair rendering of the character of my career.
Miscellaneous publications
Magic Johnson Q&A: The Importance of Being Earvin (the Advocate)
The cost of the war in Iraq (Raw Story)
Two leagues of their own (@Home)
'Patty's Angels' guilty of 38 animal neglect counts (ALDF)
The Horrors of Hoarding (ALDF)
How to spot a hoarder (ALDF)
What others wrote
Profile: Gay sports pioneer Roger Brigham (Outsports)
The coach persists (Sports on Earth)
Ex-ADN sports editor on coming out in 80′s Alaska (Bent Alaska)
Brigham reflects on how sports saved his life (Outsports)
LGBT Sports Hall of Fame honorees inducted (Windy City Times)
Bay Area Reporter
BAR sports columnist retires
It's all about the sports, dammit
Death in the afternoon
POZ wrestler in legal limbo
Louganis, me and HIV
Cruel, but not unusual
Butterfly wings and bricklayer dreams
Strength in diversity
You're putting me in the hall of what?
Bodybuilding as self-actualization
Media forfeit in covering female wrestlers
Degrees of separation
A mask lacrosse could do without
An open letter to football
An Orwellian Olympics
Cheers ((and whispers) for women's sports)
Paterno State's Nittany Liars
EDGE Media Network
Lawmakers decry Prop 8 ruling
Fear after Prop 8 ruling
Homophobia and hazing
Behind the Prop 8 federal lawsuit
Prop 8 judge has mixed record
Review: A Great Unrecorded History